Trustee tenure: 2016-2022
Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning
Utrecht University
Princetonlaan 8a
3584 CB Utrecht
The Netherlands | Personal Website
Evert is Associate Professor at the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University. He has a passion and reputation for innovative research and teaching in Urban and Regional Studies. In his research, he creatively combines insights from economic and urban geography, spatial planning, environmental studies, regional science, urban economics, cultural geography, media studies, regional studies and policy sciences in order to develop empirically underpinned territorial strategies that make cities and regions better able to satisfy human and societal needs. He is committed to knowledge dissemination through actively seeking co-operation with communities, governments, industry and other scholars. His work has appeared in many different journals and books, and has attracted attention in academia and policy practice. He recently received several best paper awards and acquired many larger and smaller research grants, including highly-competed for personal grants, and has a track record in leading research teams. Before moving to Utrecht University, he was Research Director of the Urbanism Department at Delft University of Technology and associated with the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.