
Jornades internacionals de l’economia plural

Jornades internacionals de l’economia plural

Past Events

Flyer with USF logo for the event "Towards innovative mixed-methods approaches to studying living multiculture in small cities " to be held in Prato (Italy) on Sepember 9-11th, 9:00 (GTM+2). The image on the background was obtained via Flickr by Michael Hicks

Towards innovative mixed-methods approaches to studying living multiculture in small cities

Flyer of the CFP - Towards a feminist geopolitics of (smart) home in the age of smart urbanism

CFP: Towards a feminist geopolitics of (smart) home in the age of smart urbanism

Cover Religious Actors With or Against The State in City Making & Urban Planning

Religious Actors With or Against The State in City Making & Urban Planning

Event flyer with logos

Overlookedness: Where do we go from here?

Banner photo of Quito, Ecuador with a white box layered over the top left, with text and logos

Connecting Geographies from the Global South

Event Flyer

Towards Sustainable Rural-Urban Development of Human Settlement: The Asian-African Collaborative Network

Flyer of Mapping Urban Livability Workshops

Workshops on Mapping Urban Livability: Photovoice, Universal Design and Public Participatory GIS

Flyer of the event "The Feminising urban struggles: bodies, territories and politics in the production of peripheral spaces face-to-face seminars" with logos and a picture of a feminist meeting.

Feminising Urban Struggles: bodies, territories and politics in the production of peripheral spaces

Tehran Parand Development

Religious Institutions and Actors in Urban Planning in the Middle East and North Africa

Flyer advertising the UTA-Do African Cities Workshop with white text and a white QR code layered over a red box, affiliate logos running at the bottom of the page, and a colour photograph of a city port running along the top.

UTA-Do African Cities Workshop, 2024

Nomusa Makhubu's lecture poster from the Youth on the Move lecture series - yellow and black text on a white page with a colour photograph of a person with black hair and a navy top against a black background

Sizophum’ Elokishini – Traversing the Anticity

Gautam Bhan's lecture poster from the Youth on the Move lecture series - yellow and black text on a white page with a colour photograph of a person with black hair and a black beard against a leafy backdrop

Notes Theorising Inequality in/from Place

Photograph of a group of people standing at the Lagoon Front at the Unviersity of Lagos

Urban creativity in Africa

Interrogating the Role of Religious Actors in Shaping Urban Planning: Reflections from Middle Eastern and Latin American Cities

Thinking about the relationships between religious institutions and actors and urban planning in Latin America

Queering Space(s): Dalit-Bahujan-Adivasi

Queering Space(s): Dalit-Bahujan-Adivasi | Desires, Navigation and Resistance

Youth on the Move

Youth on the Move: Virtual Online Lecture Series

Care as a key concept in contemporary urban studies

Care as a key concept in contemporary urban studies

Greyscale world map with orange points and lines joining together certain cities for the seminar series 'Overlooked Cities: Thinking and doing global urban studies differently'

Ordinary and overlooked cities in conversation

USF MaGrann 2023 Global Black Geographies Conference poster

USF MaGrann 2023 Global Black Geographies Conference

Poster for Optativa en Métodos Participativos: Investigación Dinámica

Hybrid course in participatory methods: dynamic enquiry

Shrinking domesticities

Shrinking Domesticities Global Seminar Series: Buenos Aires

The Instant Delivery Workplace in D.C.

The Instant Delivery Workplace in D.C.

Cities, Social Inequalities and COVID-19

Cities, Social Inequalities and COVID-19

Embedding cities within cities: the phenomenon of new cities and spatial transformation in Africa

Embedding cities within cities: the phenomenon of new cities and spatial transformation in Africa

International symposium: Pandemics and cities

International symposium on pandemics and cities: learning from state and civil society response

Special Sessions on Publishing in Urban Studies

Special Sessions on Publishing in Urban Studies

Securing Urban Spaces: what works? what doesn't?

Securing Urban Spaces: what works? what doesn’t?

Peripheral Centralities: Present and Future

Peripheral Centralities: Present and Future

Karibu - welcome

Women’s participation and urban transformation in self-built territories: a workshop in Keko Machungwa, Dar es Salaam

Cities, Inequalities and COVID-19

Cities, Inequalities and COVID-19 (one-day seminar)

Negotiating Social Futures: The Politics of Land Development and Value Capture During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

The politics of infrastructure and emancipatory political Infrastructures

The politics of infrastructure and emancipatory political Infrastructures

Practices for a Thawing World

Practices for a Thawing World

Counter-mapping the City Virtual Conference

Counter-mapping the City Virtual Conference

Toward just environmental futures: exploring the equity dimensions of nature-based solutions in cities

Toward just environmental futures in cities

Climate Urbanism

Climate Urbanism: Strategies for Just Transitions