Counter-mapping the City Virtual Conference

Location: Zoom meeting

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Counter-mapping the City Virtual Conference

The virtual conference seeks to explore the rich diversity of counter-mapping strategies across the urban world by documenting practices that redefine cartographic power, navigate power-laden urban space and experiment with alternative visions of inhabiting the city. With over 70 papers, posters and creative presentations in 23 panel and plenary sessions spanning two days, the conference aims to bring together scholars, artists, activists, collectives and others interested in and working on diverse counter-mapping practices across the globe.

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"The USF International Fellowship provided an excellent opportunity to further my career as an Urban Geographer. Having dedicated time away from everyday University responsibilities allowed me to make progress on my writing and develop the proposal for my monograph."

Dr Ruth Massey, International Fellowship

Urban Studies Foundation is a registered Scottish charity. Registration number SC039937.

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