International Conference on Polarisation, Fragmentation and Resilience: Hong Kong

Blog Events Grants Awarded 30th January 2018

As part of our seminar series awards, we are pleased to announce the Urban Studies Foundation’s support of the successful staging of the International Conference on Polarisation, Fragmentation and Resilience, during November and December 2017. The USF contributed towards the expenditures of organising and hosting this three day event, as well as towards the facilitation of local study tours and field trips. The full conference programme can be downloaded here.

International Conference on Polarisation, Fragmentation and Resilience: December 2017, Hong Kong

The International Conference on Polarisation, Fragmentation and Resilience was held at Hong Kong Baptist University between 29th November and 1st December 2017. The conference represented an international collaboration to conduct comparative analysis on the nature and manifestations of urban socio-spatial polarisation, fragmentation and segregation in the USA, South Africa, Hong Kong and mainland China, with a view to identifying policy initiatives to enhance urban resilience. Speakers included Professor Ray Forrest and Professor Risa Palm, who delivered keynote lectures on real estate, cities and climate change.

“The generous support that the Urban Studies Foundation extended to us guaranteed almost from the outset the success of the conference. We would like, once again, to express how much we are grateful to the Foundation. We believe that the conference we held helps lay the ground for more comparative works on polarisation, fragmentation and resilience in urban areas in future.” — Conference Organisers