Cities, Social Inequalities and COVID-19

Location: UniSA City West Campus, 2 Fenn Pl, Adelaide SA 5000 | Map
Language: English

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Cities, Social Inequalities and COVID-19

Cities are hubs of innovation, economic growth and employment generation. At the same time, it is widely acknowledged that cities face major challenges around poverty, inequalities, climate change and a range of other socio-economic fragilities that often are painted by the utopian visions of ‘urban life’. Most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has only laid bare the lives of ‘the most vulnerable’, ‘the disadvantaged’, and the people on ‘cliff edges’ in ‘the city’. Whether it is the worst ever lockdown-induced urban migrant workers crisis in India or the failure of the New York city’s health care system to protect the lives of working class and coloured patients , the COVID-19 has brought the urban inequalities truly to the surface.

This 1-day seminar aims at engaging a diverse group of speakers and participants to discuss the disproportionate short-, medium- and long-term impacts of COVID-19 and explain/explore the role of different structural factors/differences and social inequalities in the outcomes of COVID-19. The seminar will end with key reflections, emergent insights and a framework on social inequalities and urban pandemic preparedness.

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"It is not an overstatement to say that the USF Fellowship was invaluable in relation to both my career development and the advancement of my research around urban politics. The USF Fellowship provided me with an opportunity to be part a diverse, open and stimulating academic milieu; to have the space and time to focus on research, and to pave the way for future academic research development."

Dr Lazaros Karaliotas, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Urban Studies Foundation is a registered Scottish charity. Registration number SC039937.

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