Researching Care and the City: experiences from Europe and Latin America / Investigar el cuidado y la ciudad: experiencias de Europa y América Latina

Location: Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), Room RGD_08
Language: Spanish/English

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Poster with details of the event "Investigar el cuidado y la ciudad: experiencias de Europa y América Latina/Researching Care and the City: experiences from Europe and Latin America" taking place in Bogota (Colombia)

Open event, as part of the Second Seminar of USF Seminar Series “Women’s urban care practices through the lens of public social capital. A Dialogue between Latin America and Europe”.Centro interdisciplinario de estudios sobre Desarrollo, Cider, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), Georg-Simmel Centre for Metropolitan Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany). With presentations from ECR researchers from Europe and Latin America, in dialogue with Senior researchers and students.

Organizers of the Seminar Series: Dr Adriana Hurtado Tarazona (Universidad de los Andes), Dr Sandra Carolina Pulido-Chaparro (Universidad de los Andes), and Dr Nina Margies (Humboldt University of Berlin).

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"Before the USF senior fellowship, I ran a real risk of drowning in University administration and management responsibilities as I entered the ‘mid-career wildernness’. The fellowship reinvigorated my capacity, ideas and track record in research – and helped catapult me from mid- to senior career."

Professor Donald Houston, Senior Research Fellowship

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