This Seminar Series seeks to expand the debate on the struggle(s) of women to transform, socially and materially their territories which are underinvested and marginalized (peripheral) and often perceived as unauthorized and unplanned. In these contexts, their struggle is understood as a contradictory process(es) that involve feminist emancipation and old and new forms of oppression and violence. The seminars also seek to promote the exchange of knowledge and generate new knowledge(s) and partnerships in solidarity between researchers, practitioners and female leaders, and facilitate the training of of young researchers in intersectional feminist methodologies, comparative and grounded research aproaches and lived experiences’ methodologies. Each seminar will last four days, where the first days are organized as transdisciplinary workshops that include dialogues about the feminist struggles of local (women’s) groups in the transformation of their territories, as well as training sessions with early career researchers. The three last days are organized in site visits that will include conversation circles, involving local leaders and guest leaders, mediated by researchers who are immersed in the territories. The conversation circles are intended to strengthen scientific-academic cooperation through the exchange of knowledge between national and international researchers, national students and female leaders. The broader set of events is coordinated by Paula Freire Santoro (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo and LabCidade FAUUSP), Priscila Izar (School of Architecture and Planning, Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies – CUBES, University of the Witwatersrand, Africa do Sul), Elinorata Mbuya (Institute of Human Settlements Studies, Ardhi University, Tanzania) and Carolina Lunetta (Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies – IHS, Erasmus University, Netherlands).
Feminising Urban Struggles: bodies, territories and politics in the production of peripheral spaces
São Paulo - SESC CPF (R. Dr. Plínio Barreto, 285 - Bela Vista)
Portuguese and English